#Gsplit 3 install#
#Gsplit 3 for free#
#Gsplit 3 how to#
#Gsplit 3 password#
If you choose to encrypt the files, you must enter a password before the file splitter begins. There is also the option to delete the source file after splitting the file, or to encrypt the output files for extra protection. You’ll find easy to use options allowing you to split your file into equal parts or split using specific file sizes. GSplit includes a reassembly tool called GUnite. Once you finish splitting your files, check out how to transfer files between computers on the same network. The default executable name is disk1.EXE, although if you create a custom naming scheme it will match your settings. Double-click the executable file to launch the reassembly process and to confirm the location of the output file. You’ll find the executable in the same folder as the split files. GSplit creates a handy executable for when you want to reassemble your files. The time it takes to split a file into multiple files depends on the complexity of the output options and the size of the original file. Once you decide the file splitting configuration, select Split File!, then Split! GSplit will begin processing your file. There is also the option to split the files in a specified pattern according to the file contents (although this is an advanced option). Alternatively, you can set the size of each output file, and GSplit will tell you how many files that will create. For example, you can specify how many output files you want, and GSplit will tell you how big each split piece will be. You can use GSplit to split a file into multiple files in a few different ways. Now, select Destination Folder from the menu, and browse to where you want the multiple split files to end up.īefore moving to the Split File! option (where the splitting takes place), open the Type and Size menu. When ready, open GSplit and select Original File from the menu on the left.